Very excited about this event. For the past couple of months, I have spent nights and weekends on a rebrand of Space-Rocket using Elixir and Phoenix. ElixirConf will be the launch of the new site, hooray!
Whats is ElixirConf
ElixirConf US 2019 is a four-day Elixir conference taking place at the Marriot Gaylord hotel in Aurora, Colorado, split up into two days of training and two days of speakers. There are over 40 speakers and trainers on the roster, with keynotes by no other than the creator of Elixir, Jose’ Valim and the creator of the Phoenix Framework, Chris McCord. If you are an Elixir developer or looking to hire Elixir developers, this is the Elixir community event of 2019.
Why I am going
It has become the summer of Elixir for others and me as well. Since missing Code BEAM SF, it made me realize that Elixir and Phoenix are coming of age. I started having a reignited interested in Elixir and Phoenix. I read Chris McCords “Programming Phoenix” book back in 2016 and was impressed with what you get out of the box with the Phoenix framework and programming in Elixir was fun. I decided to go all-in on ElixirConf.
To get the most out of buying conference tickets; I also purchased two days of training and three nights at the Gaylord. “Go big or why go” was my philosophy. I love Elixir and Phoenix, so it’s going to be great.
The training courses I am taking
I choose “Build Performant, Real-Time UIs with Phoenix LiveView” on Tuesday and “Elixir in the Jungle” on Wednesday.
Build Performant, Real-Time UIs with Phoenix LiveView
Perhaps a panacea for the javaScript fatigue that is poisoning the web, Phoenix LiveView enables writing client-side Javascript functionality in Elixir. When I first heard about Phoenix LiveView, I felt a global consciousness sigh of relief.
“Build Performant, Real-Time UIs with Phoenix LiveView,” instructed by Chris Freeze and Alex Garibay from Dockyard. Luckily this course on Tuesday and Wednesday because the course is so popular that it was sold out on Wednesday when I signed up.
Elixir In the Jungle
What caught my eye about Elixir In the Jungle was that it focuses on deploying a distributed system on AWS without Docker or containers. I love Docker and use it daily, but is it necessary and does it take away from OTP? What I am hoping to get out of this training session is to scale multiple instances based on usage and be proficient in using AWS.
Other courses
There are some great training courses at ElixirConf this year. Below are links to the rest of them:
- Build a Multiplayer Game using Nerves, Elixir Circuits, Scenic, and Phoenix
- Build Performant, Real-Time UIs with Phoenix LiveView
- Building Resilient, Distributed Systems with Elixir
- Building Scalable Real-time Systems in Elixir
- From Zero to Hero with Elixir
- Harnessing the Real-Time Web with Phoenix, Channels, and Presence.
- Release the Kraken… Err… Elixir!
- Build a Multiplayer Game using Nerves, Elixir Circuits, Scenic, and Phoenix
- Build a Smart Camera with Nerves, Phoenix, and Absinthe
- Build Performant, Real-Time UIs with Phoenix LiveView
- Building Bulletproof Real-Time Applications with Phoenix, LiveView, and StreamData
- Building Resilient, Distributed Systems with Elixir
- Ecto: From the Ground Up
- Elixir in the Jungle
Can’t wait to go! Hope to see you there!